Covert art for the 2020 edition of the LaGrange College Citations Undergraduate Research Journal.


Citations, Volume 17 (full edition download)


Wilkinson Family Servant Scholars Program

Beyond the Book: An Initiative in Literacy

Authors: Michael Bleimeyer, Elissa Chandler, Noah Clipper, Elizabeth Compton, Bailey Crawford, Riley Densmore, Katelyn Dino, Coral Douglas, Grace Neal, Akeem Peterson, Jair Portillo, and Maura Webb
Faculty Mentor: W. Jeff Lukken, JD


Department of Business and Non-profit Studies

Financial Analysis of Intel Corporation

Authors: Michael Bleimeyer
Faculty Mentor: Cindi Bearden, BS, Mac, CPA
Program: Accountancy


The Ineffectiveness of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban

Authors: Nathan Brown
Faculty Mentor: Cindi Bearden, BS, Mac, CPA
Program: Accountancy


Show Carnival, Inc. Financial Analysis

Authors: Tyler Richards
Faculty Mentor: Cindi Bearden, BS, Mac, CPA
Program: Accountancy


Department of History and Social Sciences

Crime and Punishment… as Well as Rehabilitation and Re-enfranchisement? Should States Allow Non-Violent Felony Offenders the Right to Vote?

Authors: Tia Braxton, Payton Smith, Melanie Chambers, Natalie Glass, Porter Law, Jaydon Parrish, Elijah Robertson, Jason Timms, Caleb Tyler, Andrew Valbuena, Ben Womack, and John A. Tures, PhD
Faculty Mentor: John A. Tures, PhD
Program: Political Science


The Dismantling of Democracy by Elected Representatives: Destroying Direct Democracy One Citizen Initiative at a Time

Authors: Payton Smith
Faculty Mentor: John A. Tures, PhD
Program: Political Science


Abortion Views on a College Campus

Authors: Madison Murphy
Faculty Mentor: Bobby Jo Otto, PhD
Program: Sociology


Department of Humanities

The Importance of Audience in Jacobs’s Incidents and Douglass’s Narrative

Authors: Cary Burton
Faculty Mentor: Anthony Wilson, PhD
Program: English


A Review of the Effects and Changes in Air Pollution in the State of Georgia

Authors: Katie Farr
Faculty Mentor: Laine A. Scott, PhD
Program: English


Ode to Trees

Authors: Mary Helen Jeffreys
Faculty Mentor: Patricia Marchesi, PhD
Program: English


Kimmerer and Oliver’s Views on Fellowship

Authors: Jayme Middleton
Faculty Mentor: Patricia Marchesi, PhD
Program: English


Overcoming the OCD Myth

Authors: Madison Murphy
Faculty Mentor: Laine A. Scott, PhD
Program: English


A Forgotten Language

Authors: Reece Phillips
Faculty Mentor: Patricia Marchesi, PhD
Program: English


Fellowship and Harmony in Upstream and Braiding Sweetgrass: Humankind’s Kinship with the Natural World

Authors: Alexis Westrick
Faculty Mentor: Patricia Marchesi, PhD
Program: English


Department of Mathematics

Singular Value Decomposition: Application to Image Processing

Authors: Elizabeth A. Compton and Stacey L. Ernstberger, PhD
Faculty Mentor: Stacey L. Ernstberger, PhD
Program: Mathematics


Department of Sciences

The Effect of Chlorpyrifos on the Concentration of α-synuclein

Authors: Trevor McLemore and Melinda Pomeroy-Black, MS, PhD
Faculty Mentor: Melinda Pomeroy-Black, MS, PhD
Program: Biology


Investigating the Role of Protein Kinase C Expression as an Indicator of Apoptotic Activity after Deltamethrin Exposure

Authors: Shelby Olney and Melinda Pomeroy-Black, MS, PhD
Faculty Mentor: Melinda Pomeroy-Black, MS, PhD
Program: Biology


Variation in Sediment Heavy Metal Concentrations in West Point Lake Tributaries

Authors: Lance Shealy and Molli M. Newman, PhD
Faculty Mentor: Molli M. Newman, PhD
Program: Biology


16S rRNA Gene Sequencing of Bacterial Communities in Varying Depths within Freshwater Stream Sediment

Authors: Emsley Smith and Molli M. Newman, PhD
Faculty Mentor: Molli M. Newman, PhD
Program: Biology


Using Boltzmann Transport Theory to Compute Field Interaction Between Dark Matter and Dark Energy

Authors: Holston Sebaugh and Kevin J. Ludwick, PhD
Faculty Mentor: Kevin J. Ludwick, PhD
Program: Chemistry and Physics


The Expectations of Sex Education Curriculums from the Adult Population

Authors: Melanie D. Prater and Christi Hu, PhD
Faculty Mentor: Christi Hu, PhD
Program: Psychological Science