As part of our commitment to keeping LaGrange College affordable, we work with students and families to provide scholarships and other financial aid. Almost 100% of our students receive some combination of financial awards. This stewardship earns LaGrange the ranking of “Best Value” by U.S. News & World Report.
A note on the recalculated GPA. The GPA used to determine academic scholarship eligibility is recalculated by LaGrange College based on college prep subjects earned in grades 9 through 12. Scholarships cannot be combined or stacked. Students must be admitted to and attend LaGrange College in order to receive any scholarship.

Merit-based scholarships
A range of merit-based scholarships are awarded based on ability and/or talent rather than financial need. A student must have applied, been admitted to LaGrange College (with no academic conditions) and enroll in order to receive scholarships.
Gateway Scholarship
$15,000 per year | 60,000 over four years
For entering, full-time, first-year day students only. Eligibility is determined by a combination of grade point average and test scores. Typically, recipients of the Gateway Scholarship have an SAT combined Evidence-Based Reading and Writing plus Math score of 1000 or higher (or ACT composite score of 19 or higher) and a cumulative high school GPA of 2.5 to 3.19 or higher. Renewable with a 2.0 or better college GPA.
Hilltop Scholarship
$16,000 per year | $64,000 over four years
For entering, full-time, first-year day students only. Eligibility is determined by a combination of high school reported cumulative grade point average and test scores. Typically, recipients of the Hilltop Scholarship have an SAT combined Evidence-Based Reading and Writing plus Math score of 1070 or higher (or ACT composite score of 21 or higher) and a cumulative high school GPA of 3.2 or higher. Renewable with 2.0 or better college GPA.
Tower Scholarship
$17,000 per year | $68,000 over four years
For entering, full-time, first-year day students only. Eligibility is determined by a combination of recalculated high school grade point average and test scores. Typically, recipients of the Tower Scholarship have an SAT combined Evidence-Based Reading and Writing plus Math score of 1140 or higher (or ACT composite score of 23 or higher) and a recalculated cumulative high school GPA of 3.5 or higher. Renewable with 2.5 or better college GPA.
Founders Scholarship
$18,500 per year | $74,000 over four years
For entering, full-time, first-year day students only. Eligibility is determined by a combination of recalculated grade point average and test scores. Typically, recipients of the Founders Scholarship have an SAT combined Evidence-Based Reading and Writing plus Math score of 1180 or higher (or ACT composite score of 24 or higher) and a recalculated high school GPA of 3.7 or higher. Renewable with 2.5 or better college GPA.
Fellows Scholarship
$20,000 per year | $80,000 over four years
For entering, full-time, first-year day students only. Eligibility is determined by a combination of recalculated grade point average and test scores. Typically, recipients of the Fellows Scholarship have an SAT combined Evidence-Based Reading and Writing plus Math score of 1300 or higher (or ACT composite score of 27 or higher) and a 3.9 recalculated cumulative high school GPA or higher. Renewable with a 2.5 or better college GPA.
The Presidential Learning Scholarship
Full tuition
Judges select recipients of this scholarship. Two Presidential Learning Scholarships will be awarded annually. Prospective candidates will be chosen from among the most academically gifted applicants for admission. New, first-year students admitted by January 15 who qualify for a Founders or Fellows Scholarship may be invited to compete for a Presidential Scholarship. High school seniors interested in being considered for the scholarship must apply for admission no later than January 1 of their senior year. Successful candidates will have completed a strong college preparatory curriculum and show evidence of an exceptional record of leadership or service to school, community or church. Renewable with a 3.25 or better college GPA, the Presidential Learning Scholarship supersedes all other LaGrange College scholarships and aid.
The Presidential Learning and Living Scholarship
Full tuition, fees, room and board
Judges select recipients of this scholarship. Two Presidential Learning and Living Scholarships will be awarded to the college’s top applicants annually. Prospective candidates will be chosen from among the most academically gifted applicants for admission. New, first-year students admitted by January 15 who qualify for a Founders or Fellows Scholarship may be invited to compete for a Presidential Scholarship. High school seniors interested in being considered for the scholarship must apply for admission no later than January 1 of their senior year. Successful candidates will have completed a strong college preparatory curriculum and show evidence of an exceptional record of leadership or service to school, community or church. Renewable with a 3.25 or better college GPA, the Presidential Learning and Living Scholarship supersedes all other LaGrange College scholarships and aid.
State scholarships
The State of Georgia provides need-based and non-need-based grant assistance to residents of Georgia who are U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens and have established and maintained a domicile in the State of Georgia for at least 12 consecutive months.
HOPE Scholarship is a non-need-based State of Georgia scholarship awarded to Georgia residents who graduated from high school on or after June 1996 with a 3.00 grade point average in specific academic courses. A student who did not graduate from high school as a HOPE Scholar may become eligible for the HOPE Scholarship after attempting 30, 60, or 90 semester hours. The award is a $4,304 per year for fulltime students ($2,152 per semester). The complete eligibility requirements and application for the HOPE Scholarship are available at
Zell Miller Scholarship is a non-need-based State of Georgia scholarship awarded to Georgia residents who graduated from high school in 2011 and beyond who graduated as the Valedictorian or Salutatorian or had a HOPE Scholarship calculated high school GPA of a minimum of 3.7 and scored a minimum score of 1200 combined critical reading and math on a single administration of the SAT or a composite score of 26 on a single test administration of the ACT taken prior to the time of high school graduation. Zell Miller Scholarships are evaluated at the same benchmarks as HOPE Scholars - 30, 60, and 90 attempted semester hours. The award is $5,616 per year for full-time students ($2,808 per semester). The complete eligibility requirements and application for the Zell Miller Scholarship are available at
Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant is a non-need-based State of Georgia grant awarded to Georgia residents attending a private college or university as a full-time student. The annual amount is currently $850. The complete eligibility requirements and application for the Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant are available at
Georgia HERO (Helping Educate Reservists and their Off-spring) Scholarship is a non-need-based, State of Georgia scholarship that provides educational grant assistance to Georgia residents who are members of the Georgia National Guard and U.S. Military Reservists and served in combat zones or the children or spouses of such members of the Georgia National Guard and U.S. Military Reserves. The award is $2,000 per year for full-time students. Awards are prorated for enrollments of less than full-time. The complete eligibility requirements and application for the Georgia HERO Scholarship is available at
Public Safety Memorial Grant is a non-need-based, State of Georgia grant awarded to the dependent children of Georgia Public Safety Officers who were permanently disabled or killed in the line of duty. The maximum award is $18,000 per year. The complete eligibility requirements and application for the Public Safety Memorial Grant is available at
International scholarships
Presidential Scholarship
Academic GPA equivalent to a 3.64 on a US 4.0 grading scale
A limited number of International Presidential Scholarships will be awarded, which covers full tuition, room and board—a 2024-25 annual value of $47,626 USD*.
Assessment requirements include two letters of recom- mendation from school officials and an interview with the Presidential Scholarship Committee via Zoom.
Global Scholars Scholarship
Academic GPA equivalent to a 3.44 to 3.63 on a US 4.0 grading scale
Fifteen Global Scholars Scholarships will be awarded, which provide a one-half tuition scholarship and room expenses—a 2024-25 annual value of $24,324 USD*.
Assessment requirements include two letters of recommendation from school officials and a recorded video interview.
LaGrange Scholars Scholarship
Academic percentage of 86% - 90% or higher (equivalent to GPA of 3.0 - 3.43 on a US 4.0 grading scale
Fifteen LaGrange Scholars Scholarships will be award- ed, which provide a one-half tuition scholarship and one-half room expenses—a 2024-25 annual value of $20,777 USD*.
Assessment requirements include two letters of recommendation from school officials.
Other awards
Awards, like grants, do not require repayment.
Departmental Awards
Amounts vary based upon funding
Funded through the generosity of alumni and friends of the college, Departmental Awards have been received by students in Art, Music, Theatre and Nursing. Students who intend to major in specific areas may obtain applications for available Departmental Awards through the Office of Admissions. Students who receive an academic scholarship may not always qualify for departmental funds as well.
UMC Dollars for Scholars
Matching awards valued at $2,000 to $4,000.
Funded by the United Methodist Higher Education Foundation. These awards become possible through churches raising $1,000 per each individual member-student attending or planning to attend a United Methodist college. LaGrange College’s participation in the Triple Your Dollars program may provide an additional $1,000, for a total of $3,000 from all sources. Conferences participating in the Quadruple Your Dollars program may contribute an additional $1,000, for a potential grand total of $4,000. For application or more go to
UMC Leadership Scholars
Matching awards valued at $2,000 to $3,000
Awarded to United Methodist youth planning to enroll at a UMC-related college or university. The sponsoring church contributes $1,000 to the Higher Education Foundation and the college or university matches it.
LaGrange College Methodist Scholarships
Awards range from $500 to $1000
Candidates must be currently enrolled or admitted students active in a United Methodist church, have financial need and a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Separate application information is required.
LaGrange College Methodist Ministerial Discount
$4,000 non-need-based tuition discount
Awarded to currently enrolled or admitted students whose parent is an active, ordained minister in the United Methodist Church. Separate application information is required.