
0) { //POSTED FORM, PROCESS IT $message = ""; $page = array(); // Holds the data required to save the submission as a page within the CMS. $name = ""; $form_fields = array(); // Holds the field names of all fields provided in the submitted data. $form_submitted = true; // Indicates if the form can be submitted or if it had data entry errors. $form_values = array(); // Holds the values of all fields provided in the submitted data. $required_fields = array(); // Holds the field names of fields that are required. $unsatisfied_fields_message = ""; // Message indicating any unsatisfied required fields. // Helper array containing POST elements to skip during processing. $postKeysToSkip = array( "send-email", "save-to-cms", "save-to-excel", "form-config", "emails" ); function getParentFolderOutOfPath($path){ return substr($path, 0, strripos($path,'/')); } //Convert date to unix timestamp function convert_datetime($str) { list($date, $time, $meridian) = explode(' ', $str); list($month, $day, $year) = explode('/', $date); list($hour, $minute) = explode(':', $time); if(strcmp($meridian, "PM") == 0 && strcmp($hour, "12")){ $hour = intval($hour) + 12; } // this was causing an issue so removed //$hour = intval($hour)-3; $timestamp = mktime($hour, $minute, 0, $month, $day, $year); //Return Cascade timestamp return $timestamp*1000; } // Helper function used for escaping CSV content. function arrayToCSV($fields, $delimiter = ',', $enclosure = '"') { $str = ''; foreach ($fields as $cell) { $cell = str_replace($enclosure, $enclosure . $enclosure, $cell); if (strchr($cell, $delimiter) !== false || strchr($cell, $enclosure) !== false || strchr($cell, "\n") !== false) { $str .= $enclosure . $cell . $enclosure . $delimiter; } else { $str .= $cell . $delimiter; } } return substr($str, 0, -1) . "\n"; } function get_category_values_for_ws($categories) { $r = array(); foreach($categories as $value) { array_push($r,array("value" => $value)); } return $r; } function get_contact_values_for_ws($name, $phone, $email) { return array( array( "type" => "text", "identifier" => "name", "text" => $name ), array( "type" => "text", "identifier" => "phone", "text" => $phone ), array( "type" => "text", "identifier" => "email", "text" => $email ) ); } function get_recurring_values_for_ws($recurrence, $interval, $recurrence_ends, $monthly_type, $weekly_days) { $r = array(); array_push($r, array("type" => "text", "identifier" => "frequency", "text" => $recurrence)); if($recurrence !== "Once") { array_push($r, array("type" => "text", "identifier" => "interval", "text" => $interval)); } if($recurrence === "Weekly") { $glue = "::CONTENT-XML-CHECKBOX::"; $weekly_days = $glue.implode($glue, $weekly_days); array_push($r, array("type" => "text", "identifier" => "day", "text" => $weekly_days)); } if($recurrence === "Monthly") { array_push($r, array("type" => "text", "identifier" => "monthly-day", "text" => $monthly_type)); } if(!empty($recurrence_ends)) { array_push($r, array("type" => "text", "identifier" => "ends", "text" => $recurrence_ends)); } return $r; } /* Pull the required fields array out of POST. $required_fields = $_POST['REQUIRED']; unset($_POST['REQUIRED']); */ $date_fields = ["startDateYear", "endDateYear", "recEndYear"]; $fields_to_process = [ "name", "phone", "email", "startDateYear", "endDateYear", "location", "eventURL", "admissionInfo", "details", "subtitle" ]; // Go through each POST element and add the information to the message and to the content of the xml file foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { // If this is a field that actually provides the script with submitted content // If the field is an array, combine the values. if (is_array($value)){ $value = implode(", ", $value); } // Perform some value sanitization. $value = strip_tags(stripslashes($value)); // Record the field and add to the message string. $form_fields[$key] = $value; $message .= $key . ": " . $value . "\r\n"; // use this for custom data definition output //get title if(strcmp($key, "title") == 0){ $page['metadata']['title'] = $value; //convert title into name $name = htmlspecialchars(str_replace(" ", "-", strtolower($value))); } /* MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm PP */ if(in_array($key, $date_fields)) { switch($key) { case "startDateYear": if(!empty($_POST["startDateMonth"]) && !empty($_POST["startDateDay"])) { $startTimeType = $_POST["startTimeType"]; // time will default to '12:00 AM' unless specified $time = "12:00 AM"; switch($startTimeType) { case "allDay": $page['structuredData']['structuredDataNodes']['structuredDataNode'][] = array( 'identifier' => 'all-day', 'type' => 'text', 'text' => '::CONTENT-XML-CHECKBOX::Yes'); break; case "TBA": $page['structuredData']['structuredDataNodes']['structuredDataNode'][] = array( 'identifier' => 'time-tba', 'type' => 'text', 'text' => '::CONTENT-XML-CHECKBOX::Yes'); break; default: $time = $_POST["startTimeHour"].":".$_POST["startTimeMin"]." ".$_POST["startTimeAMPM"]; break; } $startDate = $_POST["startDateMonth"] . "/" . $_POST["startDateDay"] . "/" . $value . " " .$time; $value = convert_datetime($startDate); } else { // break or add to bad array } break; case "endDateYear": if(!empty($_POST["endDateMonth"]) && !empty($_POST["endDateDay"])) { // the default time value is OK to use $time = $_POST["endTimeHour"].":".$_POST["endTimeMin"]." ".$_POST["endTimeAMPM"]; $date = $_POST["endDateMonth"] . "/" . $_POST["endDateDay"] . "/" . $value . " " .$time; $value = convert_datetime($date); } break; case "recEndYear": break; } } if(strcmp($key, "location") == 0){ $out = ""; if($value === "on") { $out .= "On Campus"; if(!empty($_POST["building"])) { $out .= " - " . $_POST["building"]; } else { //echo "building empty!"; } if(!empty($_POST["roomnumber"])) { $out .= " - Room ". $_POST["roomnumber"]; } } else { $out .= "Off Campus"; } if(!empty($_POST["offCampus"])) { $out .= " - " .$_POST["offCampus"]; } $value = $out; } if(in_array($key, $fields_to_process)) { switch($key) { case "startDateYear": $key = "starts"; break; case "endDateYear": $key = "ends"; break; } $page['structuredData']['structuredDataNodes']['structuredDataNode'][] = array( 'identifier' => $key, 'type' => 'text', 'text' => $value); } } $webName = $_POST["name"]; $webPhone = $_POST["phone"]; $webEmail = $_POST["email"]; if($_POST["sameAsAbove"] === "true") { $eventName = $webName; $eventPhone = $webPhone; $eventEmail = $webEmail; } else { $eventName = $_POST["ContactName"]; $eventPhone = $_POST["ContactPhone"]; $eventEmail = $_POST["ContactEmail"]; } // add web contact info $page["structuredData"]["structuredDataNodes"]["structuredDataNode"][] = array( "identifier" => "web-submission-contact", "type" => "group", "structuredDataNodes" => array( "structuredDataNode" => get_contact_values_for_ws($webName, $webPhone, $webEmail) ) ); // add web contact info $page["structuredData"]["structuredDataNodes"]["structuredDataNode"][] = array( "identifier" => "contact", "type" => "group", "structuredDataNodes" => array( "structuredDataNode" => get_contact_values_for_ws($eventName, $eventPhone, $eventEmail) ) ); $open_to_fields = [ ["name" => "openToPublic", "label" => "Public"], ["name" => "openToAlumni", "label" => "Alumni"], ["name" => "openToStudents", "label" => "Students"], ["name" => "openToFaculty", "label" => "Faculty"], ["name" => "openToStaff", "label" => "Staff"], ["name" => "invitationOnly", "label" => "Invitation Only"], ]; $add_comma = false; $open_to_values = ""; foreach($open_to_fields as $field) { if($_POST[$field["name"]] === "true") { if($add_comma) { $open_to_values .= ", "; } $open_to_values .= $field["label"]; if(!$add_comma) { $add_comma = true; } } } $page['structuredData']['structuredDataNodes']['structuredDataNode'][] = array( 'identifier' => 'open-to', 'type' => 'text', 'text' => $open_to_values ); // ************ start RECURRENCE INFO ************ // $recurrence = $_POST["eventrecurrs"]; switch($recurrence) { case "Daily": $interval = $_POST["recDailyInt"]; break; case "Weekly": $interval = $_POST["recWeeklyInt"]; $weekly_days = array("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"); foreach($weekly_days as $key=>$day) { $day = 'recWeekly'.$day; if(empty($_POST[$day])) { unset($weekly_days[$key]); } } break; case "Monthly": $interval = $_POST["recMonthlyInt"]; $monthly_type = $_POST["recMonthlyType"]; break; case "Yearly": $interval = $_POST["recYearlyInt"]; break; } // get recurrence end date if(!empty($_POST["recEndYear"]) && !empty($_POST["recEndMonth"]) && !empty($_POST["recEndDay"])) { $recurrence_ends = $_POST["recEndMonth"] . "/" . $_POST["recEndDay"] . "/" . $_POST["recEndYear"] . " 01:00 AM"; $recurrence_ends = convert_datetime($recurrence_ends); } // add web contact info $page["structuredData"]["structuredDataNodes"]["structuredDataNode"][] = array( "identifier" => "recurrence", "type" => "group", "structuredDataNodes" => array( "structuredDataNode" => get_recurring_values_for_ws($recurrence, $interval, $recurrence_ends, $monthly_type, $weekly_days) ) ); // ************ end RECURRENCE INFO ************ // $required_fields = [ "name", "phone", "email", "startDateYear", "startDateMonth", "startDateDay", "endDateYear", "endDateMonth", "endDateDay", "eventrecurrs", "startTimeType", "title", "category", "location" ]; // Check required fields to make sure they are valid. foreach ($required_fields as $field) { // If the field is not present or its value is empty, mark it as unsatisfied. if (!array_key_exists($field, $form_fields) || empty($form_fields[$field])) { $unsatisfied_fields_message .= "
  • ".$field."
  • "; } } // Do we have any fields that were not valid? // If so, display an error message containing these fields if (!empty($unsatisfied_fields_message)) { $pageURL = (@$_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') ? 'https://' : 'http://'; $pageURL .= $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; echo "
    "; echo "

    Error: The following required fields were not provided:

    "; echo "
    "; echo "

    The form's data was not sent. Please hit the 'Back' button and fill in the required fields mentioned above.

    "; // Update the form submission flag due to the failed validation. $form_submitted = false; } if ($form_submitted) { $cascade_address = ""; $username = "eventSubmit"; $password = "lagrange"; $siteName = "Calendar"; $soapURL = $cascade_address . "/ws/services/AssetOperationService?wsdl"; $client = new SoapClient($soapURL, array('trace' => 1, 'features' => SOAP_SINGLE_ELEMENT_ARRAYS, 'location' => str_replace('?wsdl', '', $soapURL))); // default the event frequency to 'Once' $page["structuredData"]["structuredDataNodes"]["structuredDataNode"][] = array( "identifier" => "recurrence", "type" => "group", "structuredDataNodes" => array( "structuredDataNode" => array( "type" => "text", "identifier" => "frequency", "text" => "Once" ) ) ); $category_values = get_category_values_for_ws($_POST["category"]); $page['metadata']['dynamicFields']['dynamicField'] = ["name" => "categories", "fieldValues" => ["fieldValue" => $category_values]]; try { $page['name'] = $name; //find parent folder for this event //$startDate = explode("/", $form_fields['starts']); $startDate = explode("/", $startDate); $month = $startDate[0]; $yearTime = explode(" ", $startDate[2]); $year = $yearTime[0]; // verify month has two digits for folder placement if($month < 10 && !isset($month[1])) { $month = "0".$month; } $parentPath = array('siteName' => $siteName, 'path' => $year . "/" . $month); $parentIdentifier = array('type' => 'folder', 'path' => $path); //$page['parentFolderPath'] = $folder; $page['parentFolderPath'] = $year . "/" . $month; $page['contentTypePath'] = "Calendar:Event Submission/Submission Form"; $page['siteName'] = $siteName; $create_params = array( 'authentication' => array( 'password' => $password, 'username' => $username ), 'asset' => array( 'page' => $page // Uncomment this section if a workflow should be started on creation of a page in Cascade using the form. // WorkflowName can be whatever the user wants. // WorkflowDefinitionPath should be the Workflow to be started. // WorkflowComments may be modified as well. , 'workflowConfiguration' => array( 'workflowName' => 'New Event', 'workflowDefinitionPath' => 'Event Approval', 'workflowComments' => 'Asset created by outside user.' ) ) ); try { $client->create($create_params); } catch (Exception $e) { print_r($client->__getLastResponse()); print ($e->getMessage()); print("Error: File creation request failed to conform to the WSDL.
    "); } } catch (Exception $e) { print_r($client->__getLastResponse()); print("Error: File creation request failed to conform to the WSDL.
    "); } ?>Your event has been submitted.  Thank you!

    Submit another event.

    '); //htmlentities( } else { ?>


    Add Event

    Please enter the following information to add an event. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

    Your Information

    Event Contact Information

    Event Date

    every  day(s)
    every week(s) on days:
    every month(s) on:
    every years(s)
    Recurring Ends

    Event Time


    Event Basics

    (ctl+click for multiple selection)


    Event Details
